September 15, 2015

Autumn Green ~ by Joanne Salgado

Tutorial written by Joanne Salgado on September 15th, 2015
for those who have a working knowledge of PSP.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.
Do not copy and paste this tutorial anywhere on the net.
If you want to translate please ask first.

Tube: AUTUMN DOLL 3 by LadyMishka Dolls - you can purchase here
Template by Me here
Texture here
Font: PonytailScriptSSK

Don't forget to save often.
At any point if you have doubts check my tag.

1. Open the template I've created. Duplicate. Close the original.

2. Open your texture. Copy and paste as new layer. Move this below all layers. Duplicate, change blend mode to multiply. Duplicate, change blend mode to overlay. (you may want to skip some of the steps depending on your texture and color choise).

3. Add a new layer and fill with the color of your choise. I used: #c3d8b4. Change blend mode to color.

4. Select the 'inside' layer. Change the border color to white. Select inside it with magic wand. Invert selection. Select the texture layer and Adjust/Hue and Saturation/Colorize both 0. Select all texture layers you have and apply the same in all. Select the color layer and hit delete on your keyboard. Select none. Add shadow on the inside layer. I used 1-1-65-2 black.

5. Open your tube. Copy and paste as new layer. Arrange it to the right. Select the 'outside' layer. Select inside it with magic wand. Invert Selection. Select your tube layer and hit delete on your keyboard. Select the textures layers and delete too. Select none.

6. Open your texture again. Resize 40%. Arrange it above the 'white circles' layer so it will fill the circles around the frame. Select the 'circles' layer. Select inside with magic wand, invert selection. Select the texture we just added and hit delete on your keyboard. Invert selection again, add a new layer and fill with the same color we used before. Change the blend mode to color. Select none. Merge down (so the texture and the color are one layer). Duplicate. Mirror/Flip. Merge them together. Rename layer as ANI.

7. Duplicate ANI two times, so you have a total of three layers. Select the first one, add noise uniform/10/monochrome checked. Select the other two and apply the same noise.

8. I used the tube roses around the circles.

9. Add copyright.

10. Add name.


1. Close the two copies from ANI we made. Copy merged. Go to animation and paste as new animation.

2. Go back to PSP, close ANI and open Copy of ANI. Copy merged. Go to animation and paste after current.

3. Go back to PSP, close Copy of ANI and open Copy (2) of ANI. Copy merged. Go to animation and paste after current.

Save as GIF